
Jeraine Ong

Prudential Master Financial Consultant
(OPUS Private Wealth Consultant)

Witnessing her father go through an unsatisfactory claims experience, Jeraine aims to provide comprehensive financial planning to ensure that no one would face the same frustration during the crisis of a loved one’s life.

Her belief in long term commitment to clients has seen her journeying with people ever since the day her career began in 2003. This success is attributed to the passion she carries to every financial planning with her clients.

While she has developed a profile of serving high net worth clients, Jeraine also wishes to empower young individuals starting their career.


Fun Fact:Mother of 3 kids, Jeraine takes pride in spending time with her kids. Outside of work, she loves a good dose of cycling as it allows her to appreciate nature.



  • Prudential Service Mark Consultant (2021 - 2022)
  • Court of the Table (MDRT) (2021 - 2023)
  • Million Dollar Round Table (2012 - 2020)
  • Chartered Financial Consultant

Pillar of Trust

Here's what other clients are saying.

Excellent Service & knowledgeable!

Definitely one of the best advisors and a good friend

"I met Jeraine 9 years ago and she has always been providing excellent service to her customers. She is very knowledgeable and her recommendations are practical based on the different stages of life from my first job, to marriage and to starting a family.

Her recommendations and advices are extremely helpful. Always prompt in her responses and goes the extra mile even if it’s not a product she carries. To her it’s not about the sales but the relationship matters the most and how she could help her clients in achieving financial protection/ freedom and having a peace of mind knowing it has been looked after. Definitely one of the best advisors and a good friend!"

— Rong Cheng, Senior Account Manager

A consultant with Integrity.

I have gladly referred her to my family and friends

"I got to know Jeraine from an ex-colleague when I just started working more than 15 years ago. Jeraine’s forward planning advices and financial insights for my health protection and wealth accumulation policies have assured me that my family’s financial needs are well taken care of for any unforeseen situations.

This gives me a peace of mind and freedom to pursue my life goals. Her integrity, client’s needs based approach and her expertise have also benefited my family and friends whom I have gladly referred her over the years. Blessed to have her as my financial consultant and a friend."

— Nathan Yi, Sales Manager

Claims get settled smoothly with my consultant despite it being a weekend!

"Kudos to Jeraine and team for ensuring a smooth claims process for my boy's hospitalization.

My financial consultant helped to facilitate the insurance coverage enquiries expeditiously on the day of my boy's accident despite it being a weekend.

I was able to get a peace of mind throughout and focus on my boy's recovery fully after his surgery."

— Shufen, Senior VP, HR

A genuine and responsible financial consultant who always goes the extra mile

"Jeraine consistently provides excellent and quality service to her clients. She practises active listening to understand the needs of her clients and makes appropriate and practical solutions that meet her clients’ requirements.

As an accredited financial advisor, Jeraine constantly upgrades herself and keeps abreast of the development in financial products so that she is well equipped with the necessary knowledge to provide sound advice to her clients. Jeraine is proactive in servicing her clients and ensures that any queries from her clients are promptly addressed.

She always puts the interests of her clients above her own interests and will not hesitate to share connections with clients to access products and services which are suitable for them. This is highly commendable!

There was a specific incident that Jeraine left a deep impression on me. My mother fell seriously ill and confined to hospital just before a scheduled holiday overseas. Whilst we have bought travel insurance for her, we were too occupied with taking care of my mother at the hospital and did not the time and not in the right state of mind to submit claims for the travel insurance that we have purchased.

Although the travel insurance policy was purchased from another insurance company, Jeraine did not hesitate to offer to assist with the insurance claims when she learnt of our situation when she visited my mother at the hospital!

As the claims procedure of that particular insurance company was stringent and tedious, Jeraine not only helped to find out what were the required documents, she went to the extent of submission of claims and follow-up as if the policy was purchased from her. We were deeply touched and grateful for Jeraine's help and kindness!

Needless to say, Jeraine spared no effort in assisting with insurance claims for policies under her portfolio! When Jeraine became aware that I need to make claims on some policies purchased from her and other insurance companies, she patiently explained the claim requirements and informed of the necessary documents.

Not only she supported the claims made on policies under her, she also helped to seek clarifications of the claims requirements for other insurance companies. Jeraine's unwavering support towards her clients (mostly become good friends of her including myself) is deeply appreciated and I'm extremely grateful!

Jeraine not only provides support on insurance related matters, her positive vibes and outlook also helps me to view adversities from a different perspective and open up new options or solutions for the situation that I am facing!

For all these, I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Jeraine!Jeraine is the best financial advisor that I have come across and will not hesitate to recommend her to those who requires financial advices!"

— Ms Soh, Senior Tax Manager

She is meticulous in her planning and helped me achieve clarity

"Jeraine has been my financial consultant for the last 17 years.I find her responsible and professional. I am very impressed with all the advice she has given me.

She has also very meticulously planned for my retirement and projected the cash flows I needed for property purchase, kids' education etc. She has thoroughly covered all aspects of financially planning and helped me achieve clarity."

— Sze Jie, Business Development Manager

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